When I first came across Ab Ripper X, I was a little skeptical. I didn't want to jump right into it without knowing what I was getting into. There are plenty of exercise programs out there that promise to offer you the results you want if only you'd buy the product they offer. So I investigated. Over and over, I saw testimonials from real people posting on sites not affiliated with the company which sells the P90X DVDs, of which Ab Ripper X is a part. Some people were already involved in a regular exercise program. Some people hadn't ever really exercised before, but decided to try the program out of curiosity. In every instance, people who tried out the program saw results that exceeded their expectations.
So then I thought, “Well, they must charge me for it, right?” This wasn't true, either. I found the workout video online detailing all thirteen stages of the process. Ab Ripper X isn't another way to do creative pushups or crunches. Instead, the exercises strengthen many different parts of the stomach. Exercising every other day or every third day brings optimum results.
The best part: unlike exercise machines which require both monetary investment and space to store, Ab Ripper X is a program that you can do on your own time in your own space. With Ab Ripper X, you're not tied to the hours of a gym. All you need to do is find a space where you can workout and start. This can be in your home office, in front of the television or in the kitchen. Anywhere there's a space large enough for you to stretch out serves as a workout.
One word of caution, though. Since this is a heavy-duty workout, you should also expect a fair bit of difficulty. I don't say this to shy anyone away. Quite the contrary: I say it so that anyone thinking of trying it out knows what to expect. If you're not used to workouts which tax your body, you may not be able to do all thirteen steps in the program right away. If that's the case, try doing the steps you can manage until your body is strong enough to do them all. For those of you who would like to lose weight as well as gain strong abdominal muscles, some weight loss may be required before beginning this program. Remember, the goal is to strengthen the muscles already there. The less body fat in your body, the better this program will work for you.
Overall, despite the initial intimidation factor involved in trying a strenuous workout, I found Ab Ripper X too good to ignore. My biggest problem is that my schedule doesn't often permit me to workout when I like. Ab Ripper X provides the perfect solution to this.

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